Tuesday, 22 April 2014

REVIEW: Expire - Pretty Low

Milwaukee based hardcore band, Expire, dropped their brand new track Pretty Low, and it isn't at all a disappointment. This is definitely one to be played at a high volume. Josh Kelking’s vocals are sounding ever stronger than the previous work on tracks such as Focus and Dig Deep (taken from their last album, Pendulum Swings which was released in 2012). They sound a lot more refined and worked on, which is always a positive. In fact, unlike any of their other work, it seems as if the vocals are a lot more audible and that the entire track isn’t as drum heavy any of their other songs. The only criticism I can muster is that introduction seems ever so slightly long at just over 35 seconds. I think that the first 5 seconds of the track is completely needless and a very overused effect to put on any song, let alone a harcore song. However, other than that, I would recommend listening to Pretty Low highly! You can check it out here.

For fans of: Backtrack, Harms Way, Turnstile and Have Heart

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