Thursday, 24 April 2014

ALBUM REVIEW: Emmure - Eternal Enemies

Where to start with Emmure? They are, without a doubt, one of the most controversial bands in the hardcore scene in this day and age. Already, this album has received a high amount of bad publicity from the likes of Banquet Record who are refusing to stock Eternal Enemies. You can view the article about their opinions on the record here.

Don't get me wrong, I am quite partial to a bit of Emmure, but this album I can't actually listen to due to the sheer fury at what they have done. Track one was originally supposed to be called Bring a Gun To School, but for legal reasons, they changed it to Untitled. To me this is absolutely repulsive. Glorifying gun violence is nothing but stupid and irresponsible, and I know I'm not the only person to think this. "All your friends are fucking dead / yeah they got what they deserved" and "I'm having too much fun / killing everyone"  isn't exactly sending out the right message. Actually, is it even sending out a message other than "we're all complete twats"?

The second song on the album starts off really well with pretty heavy guitars and fast drumming, but then vocalist, Frankie Palmeri, starts with a really confusing pattern of vocals. He is trying to do three different types of vocals all at once; deep, typically 'deathcore' vocals, then back to slightly higher screaming and then a more "talking" style which I can only really (reluctantly) compare to the likes of Limp Bizkit. All in all, the track was really difficult to listen to down to the vocals. I didn't enjoy it at all.

I'm only two tracks into the album and I'm not going to carry on. It's awful. Genuinely awful. I have heard better albums from the likes of Blood On The Dancefloor. If you want to listen to the album, which I don't recommend you do (unless you like the feeling of wanting to bash your head against the wall several times), then you can check it out here.

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