As I enjoyed writing about my top 10 favourite songs last month, I thought I would give it another go. Without further ado, let's get on with it; in no particular order:
1. The Front Bottoms - Twin Sized Mattress (taken from Talon of the Hawk)
Words can not express my love for this song. It's one of those track where you just can't help but sing along to in your bedroom. This is the original song that got me into The Front Bottoms, so it personally holds a big impact on me regardless as I really do love this band now. It's a really chilled out, catchy song that will probably stay in your head for a fair few hours after first listening to it. If you fancy checking it out, you can listen to it here.
2. Busted - You Said No (taken from Busted)
I'm not even sorry. I'm really not. After seeing McBusted (twice) this month, I have been listening to Busted so much. It's like I'm a little kid again, I love it! This was always one of my favourites back then, and it certainly gives me a sense of nostalgia. Some bands that you used to listen to when you were little, you relisten to them and wonder what you were thinking, but with Busted, it's not like that. They are, and always will be, a major supplier of jams. If you fancy a blast from the past, you can listen to You Said No here.
3. Fort Hope - The Rapture (taken from Courage)
Holy shit. This is one of the bands I have only just found out about and, boy, I've been missing out. This track is only a slight insight to how insanely talented these guys are. I mean, I was genuinely shocked by the vocals and how controlled they were (I checked out their acoustic stuff too and the vocals are still on top in those). If there is any band you check out from this list, I really hope it's this one. Seriously, they're absolutely fantastic. You can check out The Rapture here.
4. Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog (taken from Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavoured Water)
What an absolute jam. Whenever this song comes on, I instantly become Fred Durst (the vocalist). I'm talking about the whole nu-mental shimmy type thing and the red backwards cap. All of it. I wouldn't particularly recommend this track if you weren't comfortable with swearing, but you'd be missing out! If you want to check out Hot Dog, you can hear it here.
5. Skindred - Kill The Power (taken from Kill The Power)
Every time I listen to this song, it reminds me of Reading Festival last summer because their set was just so full of energy. I absolutely adored hearing this live and I can't wait to check them out at Download Festival this year. This is the song always makes me want to dance. There is a bit in it (at around 2:30) where I can't help but have a little dance in my chair. It's such a catchy song. I fully recommend you check it out, and you can do that right here.
6. Backtrack - Erase The Rat (taken from Darker Half)
It's not my favourite song that these guys have made, but it is the one that I've been listening to the most recently. Erase The Rat is just one of those tracks that really builds your anger up. I mean, that isn't really a good thing most of the time, but it's still an absolute tune. If you fancy listening to it, you can check it out here.
7. Nasty - Look At Me and Fuck You (taken from Love)
Nothing wrong with a bit of Nasty. I'm quite surprised they didn't make it into my top 10 last month, but at least they're in here this month. This track just makes you want to punch something or someone...but in the good kind of way. The kind of way you want to feel over and over and over again. I genuinely do recommend you listen to this track and you can do that here.
8. Lower Than Atlantis - Uni 9mm (taken from World Record)
I swear down, Mike Duce's voice is one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard. There is something about that man's vocals that just makes me weak at the knees. Jesus, if he sung about toilet roll for a full 10 minutes and released it, I would still buy it. That man can bloody sing. If you don't listen to Lower Than Atlantis then I recommend you either check them out or start listening to them regularly. You can check out Uni 9mm here.
9. La Dispute - THE CHILD WE LOST 1963 (taken from Rooms of the House)
Supplier of feels, supplier of jams. That should probably be La Dispute's slogan. Or not. Whatever. Regardless, this song is my favourite off their newest album. I just think it sounds slightly different to their other stuff, barely a noticeable amount, but just enough to keep me wanting more. I really do think this is an amazing and, as always, the vocals seriously tug on the heart strings. If you fancy checking this track out, you can hear it here.
10. Citizen - I Still Shut My Eyes (acoustic) (taken from Young States)
Although I do enjoy listening to the non-acoustic version of this song, I just think that this version brings a certain rawness which is pretty difficult to find. It's a pretty short track, which kind of sucks because I really do love it, but it can be made up for by pushing repeat three or four times in a row. If you fancy checking this version of the song out, you can hear it here.
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Thursday, 24 April 2014
ALBUM REVIEW: Emmure - Eternal Enemies
Where to start with Emmure? They are, without a doubt, one of the most controversial bands in the hardcore scene in this day and age. Already, this album has received a high amount of bad publicity from the likes of Banquet Record who are refusing to stock Eternal Enemies. You can view the article about their opinions on the record here.
Don't get me wrong, I am quite partial to a bit of Emmure, but this album I can't actually listen to due to the sheer fury at what they have done. Track one was originally supposed to be called Bring a Gun To School, but for legal reasons, they changed it to Untitled. To me this is absolutely repulsive. Glorifying gun violence is nothing but stupid and irresponsible, and I know I'm not the only person to think this. "All your friends are fucking dead / yeah they got what they deserved" and "I'm having too much fun / killing everyone" isn't exactly sending out the right message. Actually, is it even sending out a message other than "we're all complete twats"?
The second song on the album starts off really well with pretty heavy guitars and fast drumming, but then vocalist, Frankie Palmeri, starts with a really confusing pattern of vocals. He is trying to do three different types of vocals all at once; deep, typically 'deathcore' vocals, then back to slightly higher screaming and then a more "talking" style which I can only really (reluctantly) compare to the likes of Limp Bizkit. All in all, the track was really difficult to listen to down to the vocals. I didn't enjoy it at all.
I'm only two tracks into the album and I'm not going to carry on. It's awful. Genuinely awful. I have heard better albums from the likes of Blood On The Dancefloor. If you want to listen to the album, which I don't recommend you do (unless you like the feeling of wanting to bash your head against the wall several times), then you can check it out here.
Don't get me wrong, I am quite partial to a bit of Emmure, but this album I can't actually listen to due to the sheer fury at what they have done. Track one was originally supposed to be called Bring a Gun To School, but for legal reasons, they changed it to Untitled. To me this is absolutely repulsive. Glorifying gun violence is nothing but stupid and irresponsible, and I know I'm not the only person to think this. "All your friends are fucking dead / yeah they got what they deserved" and "I'm having too much fun / killing everyone" isn't exactly sending out the right message. Actually, is it even sending out a message other than "we're all complete twats"?
The second song on the album starts off really well with pretty heavy guitars and fast drumming, but then vocalist, Frankie Palmeri, starts with a really confusing pattern of vocals. He is trying to do three different types of vocals all at once; deep, typically 'deathcore' vocals, then back to slightly higher screaming and then a more "talking" style which I can only really (reluctantly) compare to the likes of Limp Bizkit. All in all, the track was really difficult to listen to down to the vocals. I didn't enjoy it at all.
I'm only two tracks into the album and I'm not going to carry on. It's awful. Genuinely awful. I have heard better albums from the likes of Blood On The Dancefloor. If you want to listen to the album, which I don't recommend you do (unless you like the feeling of wanting to bash your head against the wall several times), then you can check it out here.
Tuesday, 22 April 2014
REVIEW: Expire - Pretty Low
Milwaukee based hardcore band, Expire, dropped their brand new track Pretty Low, and it isn't at all a disappointment. This is definitely one to be played at a high volume. Josh Kelking’s vocals are sounding ever stronger than the previous work on tracks such as Focus and Dig Deep (taken from their last album, Pendulum Swings which was released in 2012). They sound a lot more refined and worked on, which is always a positive. In fact, unlike any of their other work, it seems as if the vocals are a lot more audible and that the entire track isn’t as drum heavy any of their other songs. The only criticism I can muster is that introduction seems ever so slightly long at just over 35 seconds. I think that the first 5 seconds of the track is completely needless and a very overused effect to put on any song, let alone a harcore song. However, other than that, I would recommend listening to Pretty Low highly! You can check it out here.
For fans of: Backtrack, Harms Way, Turnstile and Have Heart
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Top 10 Tracks: April
This month has been a really big month for me with music as I have been giving a lot of different bands a chance. Surprisingly, I have enjoyed most of them! I thought it would be quite a nice idea to let you know what I've been listening to so I have condensed the list down to 10 of my top songs of April. Without babbling on too much, here is my list, in no particular order:
1. Modern Baseball - Your Graduation (taken from You're Gonna Miss It All)
1. Modern Baseball - Your Graduation (taken from You're Gonna Miss It All)
This is the kind of song that you will be humming for several hours after you have heard it. Modern Baseball never used to heavily feature in my everyday listening, but times have changed since then, and I honestly would not know what to do if I didn't get my daily fix. If you haven't listened to this track, I would recommend it highly. You can check it out here.
2. Handguns - Long October (taken from Angst)
Personally, this is my favourite track that the guys in Handguns have made. With most pop punk bands, they have made it ever so slightly drum heavy, which I really quite enjoy as it isn't to the extent that you can't hear the other instruments. You can check Long October out here.
3. Neck Deep - Losing Teeth (taken from Wishful Thinking)
Admittedly, I wasn't the biggest fan of Wishful Thinking when it first came out as I didn't think it really felt like the Neck Deep I was used to. However, after a while, it has started to grow on me and I can honestly say, it isn't an awful album. Granted, that's not a massive compliment, but I just feel as if a lot of the songs sound very similar to the last. Losing Teeth is my favourite song from the album, I have to say. What I can only describe as a 'bouncy' vibe is flowing throughout it and it's an absolutely fantastic song to listen to on journeys as it's very energizing. If you haven't heard it, you can check it out here.
4. Lower Than Atlantis - Could You? Would You? (taken from World Record)
Needless to say, Mike Duce is one of my favourite vocalists in this day and age. There is something about his voice that really draws me in and grips me. Lower Than Atlantis were never really one of my favourite bands until recently, and now I can't seem to stop listening to them. Could You? Would You? is an absolutely brilliant track, and you can check it out here.
4. Astroid Boys - Taylor Swift (taken from Bacon Dream)
Something you need to learn about me: I absolutely adore Astroid Boys. Taylor Swift, for me, is one of the best ones they have made (other than the obvious Minging). It's a proper summer jam that you just want to have blaring out of the speakers whilst having a BBQ in the back garden. Genuinely recommend this track, check it out here.
5. Transit - Young New England (taken from Young New England)
This track provides such a chilled out vibe which is absolutely perfect for the stunning weather we've had recently. Transit usually give a slightly mellow feel to all of their songs which never fails to please. If you haven't heard it, you can check out Young New England here.
6. Gnarwolves - Reaper (taken from Fun Club)
Angry finger pointers unite for this absolute banger of a song. Gnarwolves never disappoint when it comes to ultimately good jams, and this one in particular is incredibly catchy and energizing. If you don't currently listen to this band, I highly recommend that you do. You won't regret it! If you want to check out Reaper, you can listen to it here.
7. Madball - Smell The Bacon (What's With You?) (taken from Set It Off)
Although this track is literally only 47 seconds long, I can't seem to stop listening to it. It must have something to do with the fact that I utterly adore Madball and the simplicity of this song draws me in greatly. It's hard to believe that Set It Off was released a few years before I was even born and yet here I am listening to the album now. If you fancy checking out Smell The Bacon (What's With You?), you can listen to it here.
8. Fireworks - Detroit (taken from All I Have To Offer Is My Own Confusion)
What. An. Absolute. Jam. Honestly, a few months ago, I had no idea who Fireworks were. It wasn't until I heard this song playing at a Neck Deep gig back in January and violently searching the web trying to find it afterwards down to it being in my head. I don't regret searching for hours for this song as I can't even imagine being without it now. I would go as far to say that it is one of my favourite songs because it just makes me so happy every time I hear it. If you haven't listened to Detroit, you can check it out here.
9. Brand New - The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot (taken from Deja Entendu)
It's only recently that I have been getting into Brand New, and I utterly regret not listening to them sooner as they have very quickly become one of my favourite bands. There is nothing about this song that I don't like; regardless of how simple all of the instruments are being played. Sometimes, simplicity is key, and this song is a good example of this. If you want to check The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot out, you can listen to it here.
10. Nai Harvest - Distance, Etc. (taken from Whatever)
This song will always remind me of long train journeys up to Chester, as I would constantly have this album playing. Nai Harvest are a completely underrated band, in my opinion. I really do think that more people should start listening to them. If you fancy checking out Distance, Etc., you can listen to it here.
So there you have it, my top 10 most played songs this month. It was really difficult to condense it down, actually, so I hope you enjoyed it and maybe even found a new band or two to listen to!
Friday, 18 April 2014
RDM Presents: WolveXhys w/ Dead Dreamers & Sayonara Sweetheart @ The Grapes, Stafford (17/04/14)
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WolveXhys' - taken by myself (Maddy Chaney) |
The night kicked off with London based band, Sayonara Sweetheart laying down some insanely catchy beats. It was surprising to hear the vocals be as strong as they were, extremely versatile with both high and low elements brought into songs. I did feel a Asking Alexandria vibe from the higher screams, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. As it was their first time playing The Grapes, I have a feeling the atmosphere overwhelmed them slightly as certain members appeared to look somewhat uncomfortable and out of place on stage. My advice would be to just loosen up and go with it; first times are scary, but just lose yourself in the music!
Dead Dreamers were next to hit the stage, and they brought it. Hard. Everyone in the venue was entirely blown away from the amount of energy the New Zealand bunch brought that seemingly spread into the crowd themselves. All members of the band completely owned their performance and made the stage their own. All vocals were brought with serious power and charisma, along with all other instruments. For me, their set was the highlight of the entire gig. If you ever get the chance, I would definitely try and catch a one of their gigs before they go back to New Zealand. You won’t regret it.
Topping the bill were WolveXhys with their final ever show. With stage presence to match the standard of music, the lads made The Grapes their own. Everything, right down to the set up on the stage, looked fantastic. Personally, I was blown away by the guitarist as he was insanely talented - along with the rest of the group. It was really nice to hear them joking with the audience between songs to fill any awkward silences that could have come to light. It was an all round brilliant display of local talent.
Overall, for me, the night was stolen by Dead Dreamers, but all of the bands brought something different to the stage. The atmosphere was maintained the whole night and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Yet another fantastic gig put on by RDM.
Check out Sayonara Sweetheart's new music video for Act As An Architect here. Check out Dead Dreamers' video for Lost And Found here. You can also check out WolveXhys' video for Mumakil here.
Dead Dreamers were next to hit the stage, and they brought it. Hard. Everyone in the venue was entirely blown away from the amount of energy the New Zealand bunch brought that seemingly spread into the crowd themselves. All members of the band completely owned their performance and made the stage their own. All vocals were brought with serious power and charisma, along with all other instruments. For me, their set was the highlight of the entire gig. If you ever get the chance, I would definitely try and catch a one of their gigs before they go back to New Zealand. You won’t regret it.
Topping the bill were WolveXhys with their final ever show. With stage presence to match the standard of music, the lads made The Grapes their own. Everything, right down to the set up on the stage, looked fantastic. Personally, I was blown away by the guitarist as he was insanely talented - along with the rest of the group. It was really nice to hear them joking with the audience between songs to fill any awkward silences that could have come to light. It was an all round brilliant display of local talent.
Overall, for me, the night was stolen by Dead Dreamers, but all of the bands brought something different to the stage. The atmosphere was maintained the whole night and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Yet another fantastic gig put on by RDM.
Check out Sayonara Sweetheart's new music video for Act As An Architect here. Check out Dead Dreamers' video for Lost And Found here. You can also check out WolveXhys' video for Mumakil here.
Welcome to my blog. This will be dedicated to writing reviews about gigs and new music that appeals to me with a few photographs thrown in here and there. I thought I would let you know a bit about the writer (and/or photographer) before I post anything else.
My name is Maddy, I'm 17 and I'm from the West Midlands in England. At this current moment, I'm studying journalism at South Staffordshire College at the Lichfield campus. I listen to a lot of pop punk and hardcore music, however I'm open to most kinds of music. It's a regular occurrence that I will take pictures at gigs, but only recently I thought about writing reviews along with it (a bit slow, I know).
That's all I can think of that anyone would be interested in for now, so I'll leave it at that. However, if you could find a few minutes out of your day to share this on any kind of social networking site to help me out, that would be absolutely fantastic and I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
- Maddy
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